Fussy Eaters


3 Week Programme


What we will accomplish:



I will visit your home, meet your child, discuss the plan, lay the ground rules, go through your cupboards with you and talk about the meals that you cook. From there we will start a plan to going forward with. I will send a follow up email you including a 7 day meal plan and what we discussed.



We will cook a recipe together and do some problem solving. I will provide an incentive chart for your child.



The final follow up will include an assessment and see if there were any new considerations to take on board. ie possible food intolerances etc. We will also look at sneaking veg into your meals, how to involve your child with preparing meals and snacks and adding new recipes to the plan.

This process would work over a 6 week period and would cost £350.

Alternatively the two sessions would be via video or phone call, two weeks after our first meeting and the third session would be 2 weeks later. This costs £250.

The third option is a one off plan. I will visit your home or organise a video call, meet your child, discuss the plan, lay the ground rules, go through your cupboards with you and talk about the meals that you cook.

From there we will start a plan to going forward with including any nutritional goals and heath issues. I will email you a plan covering dietary recommendations, a meal plan that we would work on together and nutritional advice and supplement recommendations if needed. This costs £150.

I want to make nutrition accessible to everyone, please feel free to contact me if you want to discuss costs.
